Maria Fernandez Porrata
President, Cuban American Association of Civil Engineers
Maria Fernandez Porrata came from Cuba when she was fifteen years of age with her family fleeing away from the communist system of Castro where her family suffered from persecution, totalitarian oppression, all types of needs, depravation of all human rights, where everything her family had for generations were stolen and taken by the government, they had no freedom of speech, religion or any other rights than to live day by the total anguish and depraved of everything.
After her arrival to the land of the free in August of 1971, as a product of the “freedom flights” she never stopped hoping for a better tomorrow regardless of adversities in life, and, continued giving back to her community. These factors were her inspiration since an early age to do the very best she could without ever forgetting where she came from and always believing in freedom, justice and a pursuit to happiness for all.
She attended Killian Senior High School, Miami Dade College and Florida International University, all in Miami, Florida. She graduated with a Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering. She worked full time to help with the family needs during her entire school days, on Sundays she will teach Catechism after church and work in a program called “Feed the Poor”.
Fernandez Porrata became
Design, Implementation of Transportation Systems, Traffic and Transportation Engineering, Highway Design, Project Development and Environmental Studies, Public Information, Public Involvement’, Innovative Problem Solving, Clients and Public Relations, Supervision of Diverse Personnel. As an efficient leader, have been able to obtain and build consensus, with a exceptional ability to understand and adapt to all circumstances and needs getting the most She has worked in the public sector on many high management and great decision making positions for the Florida Department of Transportation District Six for fourteen years, and, the Village of Pinecrest as the Public Works Director for three years. In the Private sector she was employed by Marlin Engineering for ten years as the Public Relations Manager and her last employer was the Media Relations Group asa public Information Officer for transportations projects.
A philanthropist at heart that continuously, plans, engages, gives back, and raises the needed funds to endorse all projects that have a special meaning for her taking them to a great and glorious completion.
Maria Fernandez Porrata is the past president of the Miami-Dade Branch of the American Society of Civil Engineers and the Cuban-‘ American Association of Civil Engineers where she continues as a Director Emeritus and actively involved.
She has received a myriad of Industry awards, among them the prestigious “Engineer of the Year” from both of these organizations,all of the awards that the Cuban-American Association of Civil Engineers could bestowed to an engineer if distinction, the “Diversity & Community” Award from the American Public Works Association for her dedication to the profession and far beyond believes ñdevotion to help the newcomers and give back to the students, elders and children in her community. She is also the proud recipient of the most prestigious and honorary award that the Alumni Association of her Alma Mater the Florida International University could present to an Alumni: “The Torch Award” in Engineering and Computing. Ms. Fernandez Porrata was selected nationwide as one of the “Twenty Five Voices of Future City” by her continuous nineteen years of unconditional dedication, locally, regionally and nationally during the twenty five years of this gloval program. Last year she also received a “Special Recognition” from the “Municipios de Cuba en el Exilio”/Municipal Body of Cuba in Exile, for her dedication to preserve the culture and history of the Cuban Heritage and a lifelong dedication to the “Cuban Causes”, ‘Education, Preservation and Implementation of Democracy”, helping students with scholarships, assisting single mothers with newborn issues, creating a job source line with immediate employment opportunities for the newcomers, and, especially assisting in programs for the veteran and the elder to receive a better quality of life on the autumn days of their respective lives.
She is a proud mother of two wonderful young professionals, Carlos and Cristina. She has a strong sense of family values and sees it as the foundation in our societies, always proud of her family and in continuous contact with her children, her grandchildren, her two sisters, her mom, nieces and nephew and in daily prayer with her dad now in heaven; she considers her family as the most precious pride and asset to her life. Maria thanks God for all her moments in life. She believes that any and everything is possible if you have the desire, set goals and work hard with faith, love and hope to obtain it.

Maria Fernandez Porrata
Director in Meritus