Lisel Suarez Toledo, P.E.
Treasurer, Cuban American Association of Civil Engineers
Ms. Lisel Suarez is a Professional Engineer born and raised in Havana, Cuba. She moved to the United States in 2012 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Engineering from CUJAE University (Havana). She then focused herself on obtaining a second Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering from Florida International University, from which she has made her career. Ms. Suarez has several years of experience in the civil engineering & construction for private and public sectors with a focus on water, wastewater, water resources and stormwater projects. Having worked on various pump stations, force mains, and stormwater collection systems, she has garnered significant expertise on all project stages and phases from planning and procurement to the design, permitting, and construction processes.
She currently works as Principal Engineer for the City of Miami Beach Public Works Department where she supports the design of emergency projects, while overseeing multiple infrastructure improvement projects. Prior to joining the City, Lisel worked as an intern for the Federal Department of Transportation, District Six. Upon completion of her second degree and the internship, she joined Ardurra group (former King Engineering, Inc.). During her time here, Ms. Suarez grew her passion and expertise in design and construction management of water and wastewater projects for the Miami Dade Water and Sewer Department, City of North Miami (CNM) and City of Doral. Lisel has been actively involved with this community since 2016, where she attended as student to her first Gala ceremony.

Nelson Perez-Jacome, P.E.